Friday, June 7, 2013

Another Crock Pot Experiment

Do you ever get tired of cooking? I don’t think it’s cooking as much as coming up with new ideas or menus. I recently saw a recipe for a Mexican pork roast and since Bi-Lo had these on sale last week at an incredibly cheap price, my freezer is now well stocked and I need to ways of serving them. OK – couldn’t find the post so I looked up a few things and couldn’t find one that had all of the ingredients I had on hand, so I improvised. I keep a lot of Wildtree products along with Alchemy spices so something will usually work out. Crock pot is on low, seasonings smell pretty good, although it looks kind of bloody but that is the Rotel sauce. I’ll let you know how it turns out – good or bad. My family is always honest about things, especially my hair and food. I warm them ahead of time of the experimentation but will sometimes no disclose all of the ingredients until it is tried. A few things cannot ever be put into recipes – olives of any kind is one example. **They do approve of the new cut for the summer at least.