Wednesday, November 21, 2012

What's on Your Menu?

What's on your menu for tomorrow? Here's mine.  

Roasted Turkey
Fried Turkey
Mashed Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Bacon Wrapped Asparagus
Waldorf Salad
Stuffed Celery
Cranberry Sauce
Giblet Gravy
BBQ Gravy
Pumpkin Pie
Cocoa Ritz Pie

So who's cooking? Me... Although there is only 4 of us, I tend to cook as if I was doing it for 10. We love leftovers, plus freezing extra dressing for later is always a plus. Yes, at our house here in the South it is dressing, not stuffing. No recipe for me on this, just this and that with no unusual ingredients such as raisins or oysters. I watched my Mom for years making this traditional dish and still make it the same way. In fact, a few years before she died she said I made it better than her. That was a compliment.

A few things which have been added the last few years – in addition to the traditional roasted turkey (gotta have the drippings to add to dressing, dumplings, and gravy), we have done a fried turkey the last few years since it is Doug's favorite. We started off several years ago with the fryer with the burner and after almost having a major fire, we bought the electric one. This year I'm trying out the oil-less one. Found a great deal at Academy Sports and with the price of Peanut Oil, it's worth a try. We'll see if it passes the Doug test tomorrow.

Baked Pineapple was added several years ago and even Don the non-pineapple eater will eat this. When I first got the recipe and saw cheese and pineapple together, didn't think it would work but we all love it.

For Doug – I started making a BBQ gravy a few years ago after seeing it on the Neely's show. It's a glorified BBQ sauce but with adding stock/broth to it. It is good and pretty easy to make.

New this year – Bacon wrapped asparagus – I saw this last week on Trish Yearwood's show and thought it would be an easy and new vegetable since none of us have really been that green bean casserole family. I have never made it because fresh it's ok, but leftover the onions get soggy and just isn't appealing.

If anyone wants any of these recipes, let me know.  Or, need a place to eat, dinners at 1:30.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thank You

Thank you to our Veterans - my husband included.  He served in the Air Force for 4 years.

On a side note - yes if you know me, you know I'm a HOG fan, 
although  not too much to cheer about in football this year, but
my favorite season is now starting - BASKETBALL.